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Transforming the landscape of laparoscopic port access and closure.

Improving patient outcomes and efficiency through innovation.

Gordian Surgical
TroCloseâ„¢ 1200 
Port Closure System

Port Closure System

Optimized. Automated. Enhanced

Gordian Surgical’s flagship product, the TroClose™ integrated trocar and wound closure device, revolutionizes port access and ensures consistent wound closure, delivering unparalleled safety and ease of use for laparoscopic surgeons.

​The FDA cleared TroClose, has been designed by surgeons for surgeons to improve operating room efficiencies and patient outcomes whilst reducing time, cost and hernia rates.


Optimized workflow 
with our 2 in 1 integrated trocar and closure device.


Consistently Achieving Precise Automated port site closure.


Reducing patient pain and narcotic usage 1 week post-op.

Schedule a Demo

Gordian Surgical
TroCloseâ„¢ 1200 
Port Closure System

Physician Testimonials

Diego Camacho, MD


Montefiore Medical Center

Bronx, NY, USA

"After using the TroClose system in various surgical cases, I can say with confidence it demonstrates reliable capabilities in closing the fascia in a safe and precise manner. It is an easy-to-use trocar, easy to learn and navigate. The TrocClose system will benefit surgical patients and become a great tool in a surgeon's arsenal."

Camacho Diego

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